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Collating And Overerapping Machine Model

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Collating and Overwrapping Machine can collate cartons and solids of rectangular shape into multiple layers and rows and finally overwrap the bundle with heat sealable films like B.O.P.P., Cellophane etc. The entire operation is automatic. The machine can be linked with cartoning machine. Special Features:

The film roll can be mounted or removed from the machine in seconds.
The temperature of the heaters can be adjusted independently within 1°C.
The end sealing unit returns automatically when machine is stopped.
Parts of the machine coming in contact with cartons are made of stainless steel to ensure smooth movement of the cartons.
Specially designed Rotary cutter gives a smooth cut and has longer life.
P.T.F.E. coating is given to parts wherever necessary for the smooth flow of the film. 
Safety Clutch.
Collating upto five layers.
Output upto 200 cartons/min. 

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Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Aluminium Foil Sealing, Automatic Capping Machine Model, Automatic Rotary Powder Filling Machine, Automatic Single Head Powder Filling Machine, Automatic Single Station Screw Capping Station Model, Band Sealer Model, Bottles Collating And Packing Machinery, Carton Overwrapping And Sealing Machine Model, Cartons Over Wrapping Machinery, Collating And Overerapping Machine Model, Collating And Packaging Machinery For Bottles, Collating Machinery For Bottles, Foil Sealing And Capping Machine Model, Over Wrapping Machinery For Cartons, Powder Dozing Machine Model, Powder Filling Machinery, Products, Rotary Sealer Model, Rotary Sealing Machine, Semiautomatic Volumetric Cup Filler, Weighmetric Filling Machine Model